Did you receive one of our growing cards?

Amazing! Now it is time to let your wishes grow! Time to plant your growing card, we created an easy and useful step-by-step plan to help you. Don’t worry… you don’t need a green thumb, you do need a little bit of love. Let’s grow! 😉

Did you receive one of our growing cards?

Amazing! Now it is time to let your wishes grow! Time to plant your growing card, we created an easy and useful step-by-step plan to help you. Don’t worry… you don’t need a green thumb, you do need a little bit of love. Let’s grow! 😉

Step-by-step plan

Step 1: Wet the growing card

First, wet the card thoroughly. You do this by holding it under the tap for a moment or soaking it in water. This ensures that the seeds have enough room to germinate.

Step 2: Looking for a spot

Place the growing card on the soil, either inside a pot or outside in the garden. It is best to use potting soil for this. If you plant your card indoors first, you can do this all year round on the window sill. The best time for planting outside is between mid-May and October. Below you will find more information about the best sowing times for specific seeds in the growing paper.

Step 3: Plant it!

Cover the card with about 1 to a maximum of 1.5 cm of soil. This will give the seeds enough light, protection and nutrients to germinate. Caution! If the layer of soil is too thick, the seeds may not germinate as well or at all.

Step 4: Water, water & water

After planting the card, water a little every day at first. The easiest way is to use a spray bottle for this, to ensure that the card is evenly watered. No spray bottle? You can also use your hand to sprinkle a little water over the card.

Step 5: A little love and some patience...

Wait and see… Make sure that your pot is in a light and warm place, for example, a windowsill. Be careful, if your pot is in full sunlight, the paper may dry out and the seeds will not be able to germinate. So make sure the soil stays moist. Within a week and a half, the first seeds will germinate. You can give them a little less water than in the first week. With a little love and attention, it will surely work out well.

Stap 1:

Maak de kaart goed vochtig door hem onder de kraan te houden.

Stap 2:

Leg de kaart binnen in een potje of buiten in de tuin op het zand en dek het af met ongeveer 1 cm aarde.

Stap 3:

Geef de kaart elke dag een beetje water zodat het papier vochtig blijft en laat je verrassen!

The back of your growing card shows which of these seeds you will be surprised with.

Groeikaart; bijen en vlinder mix
This summertime flower mix will make bees and butterflies happy. The card contains a mix of Gypsophilia, Iceflowers, Snapdragons, Godetia, Virginian Stock, Poppies, Alyssum and Chinese Carnation.

Best time to plant:
In the garden between March and May. Planting indoors can be done from the end of March, after which you can repot them outside in mid-May.

Tomato & basil

Did you know that tomato is not a vegetable but a fruit? With this mix you can make the most delicious pesto and tomato sauce for your pizza. Do you already know who you are going to have for dinner? Tomatoes grow quickly so do not plant your seeds too early. When the plants have grown bigger, transplant them outside and make sure the plants are at least 25cm apart so they have enough room to grow.

Best time to plant:
From the end of March to mid-May, you can plant this card indoors in a pot. Caution! Cover the paper with 5 mm moist soil and do not give much water until germination. If there is water left in the pot, you have the chance that the seeds rot. From mid-May onwards you can repot the plants outside.
Did you know that you can eat the flowers of the forget-me-nots? They have a neutral taste. These flowers bloom between April and September.

Best time to plant:
In the garden it is best to plant forget-me-nots between June and September. You can plant them indoors from the end of March, and then you can repot them outdoors in mid-May.

Growing paper from South Africa

Our growing cards are made in a special paper manufacturer in South Africa. In this factory, people from the local population are given the opportunity to flourish. Unemployment in South Africa is a high 40%, the manufacturer is arranged in such a way as to provide jobs for as many people as possible. This is how manufacturing paper works: In the area, paper is collected from schools and local businesses, then it is processed into pulp and seeds are added. Sheets of paper are then made, dried and cut into the right size.  When they arrive in the Netherlands the designs are printed on the paper. We are grateful that we can work in this sustainable way and give people the opportunity to flourish.

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One final tip: Are you not very good at watering?

If so, we have one last tip! Put a clear plastic bag around your pot. Let it stand upright by putting two skewers in the ground. The plastic bag will ensure that the moisture remains in the bag, and thus the soil will remain moist.  You are creating a small ecosystem, as it were. Watch out! Do check every now and then that no mold will grow.

Trial Garden

Every year we plant our garden full with whatever growing cards we have left over. Last year we even harvested as many as 150 tomatoes.

Spread the word, who will you surprise?

5 growing cards for 15 euros with the code: 5voor15

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Want to become a reseller?

We sell our growing cards to enthusiastic enterprises that want to create extra moments of happiness together with us. Do you have such a business? Please contact us for information about all the possibilities. 

Want to have a personal design made?

Our cards can be used as greeting cards, birth announcements, business cards, business gifts, company Christmas cards or appropriate memorial cards for a funeral. Together, we will make an appropriate design according to your wishes.